
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Merging Science and Technology

As volume rely much and more on engine room to exculpate problems, the office of hu gentlemans to designate for themselves will sure as shooting deteriorate. man live with reached a branch when each and every maneuver stern be alter done technology. This tighten ups military man efforts. engineering science has reached a remarkable suppuration. It is through technology that earth can achieve higher aim of think ofing and development. Technology has helped man in creating new and innovative ideas quickly. We are living in the era where the technological development has reached, great heights. Technology has helped humans gain all the comfort of life. We can travel hundreds of miles remote from us through air. We go with people through mobiles and telecom technology. Our relatives and friends are just a click away, from us. profit provides us with any selective information deep down minutes, not even minutes but within seconds. Internet has caused a web o f information which can be accessed from anywhere at any particular(prenominal) time. Technology has helped us innovate. It has change magnitude the human cleverness to create and think.\nThe statement above claims that humans ability to think will surely reduce if we heavily rely on technology. I partly defend with the statement when the author extensions that over-dependence on technology will surely deteriorate human ability to think. Basically, technology has been developed to go humans, the dependence on technology should not be so abundant that we become slaves of technology and the technology starts mastering us. The vitrine that, I would like to mention is about the overuse of calculators have definitely reduced the students ability to calculate even childlike mathematical problems. We are so dependent on Google expect engine that the skills of searching and recitation books will slowly reduce among students. Nowadays, you can find alert projects on internet, hen ce students probe to adopt shortcuts while complemental their projects. Here I, can ...

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