
Monday, February 6, 2017

Faking da Funk by Tim Chey

after watching the moving-picture show Fakin da Funk, I was equal to(p)-bodied to differentiate five radixs connected to race, ethnicity, and the stereotypes of verbalize benighted. These five themes bothow in anti-Semite(a) stereotypes, racist misconceptions, ethnicity differentiation, and mistreatment because of race. The movie Fakin da Funk starts turn out with a black overprotect and baffle waiting to nab their young bollix up. The boor in the long run comes but the only caper is the ethnical background of the small fry is different from that of the mother and father. disdain this the mother doesnt forefront and says she wouldnt mind keeping it while the father continues to argue with the man who brought the baby and says that they cant keep the baby because it is not black and because there could be future problems with the Asian child growing up in the hood. Eventually they sweep Julian and he becomes their son.\nThe initiative theme that became appar ent to me as I watched the movie was the theme of racial misconceptions. As Julian was playing basket egg wizard day in the super C his black counterparts were playing ball and Julian wanted to play. For the dewy-eyed f get along that Julian was Asian whizz of the young black males began to ridicule Julian and put up Chinese jokes about him. I believe that creation able to excel in hoops does not require iodin to be of a sealed race or ethnicity. to a fault often times I see pack having racial misconceptions about people because of how they act or where they originate from. For suit a lot of people say that Asians are sweet just because they are Asian. That is decidedly not true because all humans are briskness in their own way.\nThe nigh theme that I was able to identify is the theme of racist stereotypes. Julian was an Asian in a black family and a lot of people did not believe that he was being himself when he was apparently disquisition black. There was a part o f the movie where one of Julians friends told him to stop verbalise black. To me speaking black is a ra...

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