
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Man in the Wind

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis What Is Lou Gehrigs Disease? Lou Gehrigs malady is a dis influence thats in addition called amyotrophic side(prenominal) sclerosis or ALS. The official name comes from these Greek expression: Amyotrophic means that the tendons have lost their entertainment. When this happens, they become smaller and weaker. asquint means that the disease affects the sides of the spinal anesthesia anesthesia electric pile, where the poises that nourish the muscles ar located. Sclerosis means that the diseased part of the spinal corduroy develops hardened or scarred tissue in baffle of healthy jumpiness. * ALS is often called Lou Gehrigs disease, referred to a famous baseball game player who died from the disease who was diagnosed with ALS in the 1930s. People in England and Australia call ALS force neuron Disease (MND). The French refer to it as Charcots Disease, after(prenominal) the French ready Jean-Martin Charcot, who first disco vered and wrote about ALS in 1869. * Lou Gehrigs disease attacks and damages motor neurons (nerve cells) in the mindset and spinal cord. Motor neurons are nerve cells that control muscle movement. Upper nerve cells train messages (signals) from the brain to the spinal cord, and glare nerve cells send messages (signals) from the spinal cord to the muscles. * Heres how the neuromuscular formation works: If you unavoidableness to trifle a fist, your brain first sends signals through speeding nerve cells to the area in your spinal cord that controls your advance muscles. Then lower nerve cells in your spinal cord signal the muscles in your hand to move and make a fist * Over time, Lou Gehrigs disease causes these motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord to shrink and disappear, so that the muscles no longer witness signals to move. As a result, the muscles become smaller and weaker. Finally the trunk becomes paralyzed. * However, someone with ALS, even at an go stage, can compose see, hear, sm! ell, and feel touch (involuntary movements) it all happens automatically. The nerves that carry feelings of hot, cold, pain,...If you take to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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