
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Art History

STUDY GUIDE - Chapter 12: The Beginnings of Art PALEOLITHIC, MESOLITHIC, and NEOLITHIC -paleolithic-40,000-10,000 BC -Mesolithic-10,000-8000 BC -Neolithic-8000-3000 BC palaeolithic artistic production -First signs of Man appeared in Africa @ 2 million years ago. Tool workout @1 million. Earliest examples of Western art appeared as glaciers retreated. -Venus of Willendorf-carved limestone, c. 30,000-15,000 BC. Because of the importance of fertility, (infant mortality rates were high making it a necessity to open many children for survival) probably a fertility symbol. Done in the round versus in relief. counteract Art (Lascaux) -murals at Lascaux. Normally, Paleolithic man did not portray humans in painting. confining are animals. Based on observation. Probably done by blowing pigment through a pipe. Pigment -ground color use with a vehicle or binder on asupport. core out art often uses the contours of the cave to define the form of the animal. Leon Battista Albert i, an Italian Renaissance aesthetician, believed that man first created images through association. The surface of the bring off may have inferred the shape then the artist would bushel an image. The works at Lascaux seem to confirm Albertis image by accident theory. Mesolithic period -Marked by a serial of migrations with a movement toward horticulture and fishing. More interest in cultivation and to a greater extent permanent communities. Neolithic art Stonehenge -possibly used for astronomical observations or rituals. It is the earliest example of humans art in N. Europe. Megaliths -menhirs-(long) individual unhewn or roughly sculpted -dolmens-(table) two or more verticals with a level -cromlechs-(circle) menhirs in a circle or semi-circle (words taken from Celtic language) Post and Lintel Construction -two upright columns and one coping cross-piece. Basic construction method from which other methods grew. The Ancient lodge along East in the Neolith ic Era (c. 7000-4500/4000 BC) -transition f! rom a huntsman/gatherer society to an...If you want to get a wide-cut essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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