
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Queensborough Community College

Queensborough Community College has existed for fifty divisions and it is a 2 year college that has been providing students with an low-priced education in a supportive environment. QCC has served galore(postnominal) students from Queens and NYC share as a starting ramble to pursue their pedantic and c argonr goals. QCC has an enrollment up to 15,000 students who are enrolled in classs power point or Certificate Programs, and another 10,000 students who cite continuous programs on the campus. QCC offers transfers and career degree programs through seventeen academic departments which are, Associate in Arts, Associate in skill and Associates in use Science degrees. The College too offers non-credit courses, certificate programs and optic and performing arts. there are both major reasons to why students decide to visualize QCC; one of them is to transfer to a four-year college or a university aft(prenominal) earning their associates degree, and to obtain the skills for career advancement. There are five set that I chose and relate to the value filament because they go perfectly with QCC. Value number one is transportation system and it relates to question and Development. exaltation does help me a great deal. I brisk in Jamaica Queens which is not so surface-of-the-way(prenominal) from where QCC is located.
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I commonly travel in the Bus to arrive at to give lessons and it only chairs me up to 20-30 minutes to prevail to and from school. Transportation also benefits me because if there is any day I pick out to go to work I take for grantedt wealthy person to worry about a foresightful ride or being late to work, as great as when Im not feeling good; I dont have to wait a long mag! azine to reach home. This is one of the reasons why I chose QCC and Im happy with my choice. I believe galore(postnominal) people claim to go to QCC because of Transportation, it is way closer, comfortable, and the commute is good. You get the ability to take the Q27 straight into the school as healthy as the Q30 till Springfield Blvd. 10/10 serious job. Value number two is Financial Aid and in the value chain prototype it...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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