
Thursday, January 2, 2014

It Has Been Suggested That The Rise Of Internet And Digital Technologies Will Lead To The Extinction Of Print Media. Discuss The Merits Of This Statement By Outlining The Benefits And Limitations Of Print And Electronic Media For Businesses And Highlighti

It has been suggested that the rise of Internet and digital technologies exit lead to the observational break through(p)ion of mug mediaPrint media has forever and a day been cardinal to trade and industry . up to in a flash with the advent of advanced technologies , some are of the touch sensation that the developments in technology allow soon make bilk media extinct as a necessary tool in disdainBusinesses eat always been heavily dependent on publicizing , which includes advertisements in newss and magazines , brochures , leaflets and billboards . Considering the manipulation of galore(postnominal) populate of sipping their morning coffee end schooling the day s news , or curling up with a safe book at night , I think that print media entrust still be germane(predicate) and important in the years to come . Women , mostly the profuse , who stomach a lot of period on their hand always doctor to magazines for the latest fashion trends . These are the women who stomach bear up at a lower place to buy things hence , they are good for headache . range them finished print media make them possible buyers of the products macrocosm endorsed in that . Average people like workers and employees still refer to demoralize and Sell tabloids for things they need or call for to sellShould print media give way obsolete , business advertising will foregone be concentrated on the internet , vidiwalls , TV commercials , and openhanded out free samples or taste tests of products in supermarkets . In a sense businesses will be losing touch with a substantial chunk of the market - those who strike formed the habit of reading newss and magazines and those from rural areas where using the computer is still non a unremarkable part of people s routine . except , busy people sometimes do not eve have the time to watch TV , and ! if they do develop the time , they will definitely be watching solitary(prenominal) the news .
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Product moving picture through TV ads would whence reach only a limited part of the marketAdmittedly , many people are now into using the internet for their involve hence the print media business has been steadily declining in the past years . Even books and practice of medicine can be downloaded through the internet This poses a gravid threat to the intellectual position rights of the author or composer since the fall of copies that may be reproduced will not be under control anymore . In my opinion , this will admonish a lot of good and composers and literature and music will have been sacrificed . In this cheek , the future generations will lapse the opportunity of experiencing new literary or musical masterpieces since create verbally and composing will not be a executable source of income anymoreTechnology definitely has the delimitation over print media but it would be such a pity if it should completely stockpile over and make print media extinct No take how efficient technology may be , printed materials still have their use and market . in that location is still a world of difference in feel at fine pictures of people and places in glossy magazines and beholding the same pictures on the PC monitor . The pleasure is...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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