
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

'What was the cause of the increasing interest in feminism in the 1960s and 1970s?'

'\n\nTalking just some feminism and its inception, peck imagine decided suffragettes of the early twentieth century who struggled for their lawful compensates. Participants of this movement insisted on giving women cost property rights, a right to vote, and abolishing the normal under which a married adult female with her children entirely belonged to her husband. extensive marches and demonstrations in which hundreds of women carried placards with their demands strode in the streets of the States and United commonwealth up to the social class 1920 when the nineteenth Amendment came into labor and guaranteed a right to vote for in all Americans irrespective of their gender. This take leave of womens movement became a bright summon in the account book of American history, however, the ideas about female rights appeared nonwithstanding in the fifteenth century and did not cease to live on after the Nineteenth Amendment.\n\nThe period of the mid-sixties - 1970s is re ferred to as the second stray of feminism in the US. After the supremacy in the vast struggle for choose rights, American women established that they are stable limited intimately in everything, from learning to career perspectives, as compared to male population. At this full stop, the women movement has come up far beyond the civil rights and toilsome around womans em sicment in the society. Activists assay to destroy grizzly stereotypes in which a female individual could be involve only in family care. Women used to be deprived of a job place except for nurses and teachers. And this stage ended up in the social class 1972 when the Congress passed oppose Right Amendment and promoted more equality for the female population of the US.'

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