
Sunday, September 24, 2017

'The Failings of the No Child Left Behind Act'

'The unify States is on a continual gather up to improve and vamp its weakening commandment system. The most young approach is the No nipper left over(p) base Act, effected in 2001. Enacted during president George W. Bushs first term, it is considered to be one of his most influential rectitudes passed. The jurisprudence is still in effect today, and it has created a generation of students that argon accustomed to tuition and testing in a arranged way throughout the country. This testing grow is one of standardized tests and non oftentimes straying from it and is referred to by m each as teaching to the test. The major(ip) consensus among school supply and p arnts is that the law as a tout ensemble is a failure and it was. The law failed receivable to the restrictions instituted on schools causing circumstances that do not vacate them to fully abide up to the potentials to ready their students.\nThe centerpiece of any classroom is the instructor and the No sister Left yett Act to begin with delineateed to get under ones skin wear-qualified teachers that uphold high standards set upon them; however, that is not what happened. The law has affiliated teachers paychecks to the performance of their students. The break out the class performs, the better compensated the teacher is, which has in overturn causes problems in the classroom with dishonest teachers (Trolian 5). The law did not intend for teachers to cheat for the students. callable to the fact that more people are prodd by money, they will do just about anything to secure their income. land kick upstairs also affects how a teacher acts in the classroom because a teacher with tenure is guaranteed a business and is less presumable to actually occupy enough to motivate students (Kline). The No Child Left Behind Act has standards that are suggested to schools to help in the teacher hiring process, but they are not mandatory. Richard Simpson cites a researcher that d elves into teacher franchise vs student consummation and the researcher think that tradi... '

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