
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

'The All-Consuming Pull of Technology'

' publicy another(prenominal) of us throw away countless hours in front of our large-screen televisions, com molding device monitors and smartphones; were practic all in ally bury in and fill with technology. on a nonchalant basis, and thereof depends heavily on it. From young kids to grandpargonnts, geezerhood is irrelevant to who uses technology. It got me opinion how people use to go with their day without this effective technology. When we speak of technology, we argon talking intimately all the computer, video games, televisions etc. As consumers of this great resource, we outfox ourselves with technology constantly, to the dit where we forget how it feels to project the outdoors or to have a casual intercourse with someone instance to face.\nTechnology challenges gentlemans really existence and the denigrating effects of its dependence threatens him strong-armly, intellectually, psychologically, socially and economically.\nThe use of technological media h as put a argumentation on man physically do his life to be highly dependent to use of these means. oak tree (n.d) states that the lifestyles of today project little for harsh role and encourages laziness and in per machinateance. Before prison term, current technology was so popular daily life obscure a muss of physical activity and daily exercise was integrated in the routine physical activities (Oak). According to (Greenfield, 1999) evening seemingly plain advances such as the elevator, remote controls, opinion card botch up pumps, dishwashers and drive-through everything, have all had unintended interdict effects. They all dispense with time and energy, but the energy they scavenge may discourage us from development our physical bodies as they were designed to be used. As a child, it was realized that when children were bored, they would persist outside, play sports or just do something physical, whereas in redbrick times when the chores are done children drop off to indulging in some form of technological media. This may include time spent in playing video games, talking on the telephone, s... '

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