
Monday, January 16, 2017

The Assasination of John F. Kennedy

canful F Kennedy was innate(p) in Brookline, Massachusetts in May 29th 1917. He was the second of nine kids. He graduated from Choate School thusly entered Princeton College. Then quickly transferred to Harvard. later on Harvard Kennedy joined the Navy in 1914.\n\nIn august 1943 he was a commander of a U.S. Navy torpedo gravy boat PT-109. He rescued some(prenominal) crewmen after their boat was rammed by a Japanese waster off the Solomon Islands. He was convey and received an honorable discharge. For each(prenominal) his bravery he was awaked the majestic Heart.\n\nJohn. F. Kennedy was a powerfulman. He was a rich man. Many women estimate he was good looking. His married charr was a sophisticated woman named Jacqueline. He had a yoke of kids named John F Kennedy junior and Caroline Kennedy. His family was an ideal family for the Ameri go off family.\n\nDuring 1960 john f Kennedy had 43 electoral votes defeating Vice chairwoman Richard Nixon. Kennedy was the 35th presiden t of the get together States. He was the youngest president select in to office. He was potently anti-Communist he tried to disturbance Castro in the Bay of Pigs.\n\nThe face-to-face reaction from Coleen Boyer, I was sise years old. I can remember sitting in a waiting inhabit with mom and staring at the speakers and listing to the music because all of a emergent the music cut come out of the closet and say. an all news bare and said the president has been crevice the president has been shot again and again. Then a itty-bitty bit later it said the president of the United States is dead. I remember the funeral with John John saluting his dad it was a clock of question. said Coleen Boyer.\n\nThe events of November twenty-second through25th 1963 left everywhere the nation in electric shock and changed forever.\n\nThe whole world was in tears for the president. In disbelief 250 thousands people from all move of the world came to mourn the death of the president. Back up 40 blocks for the people to view the president. It took over 21 hours for every 1 to view the president.\n\nAs Friday November 22nd at 11:40cst expression Force One stirred down at complete reach Dallas Texas. On publicise force one was the chairman and his wife John and Jacqueline Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Connally and a senator named Ralph W. Yarborough.Then they left the love field Dallas air port. At 11:50 am in...If you postulate to get a entire essay, order it on our website:

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