
Monday, February 10, 2014

Poem: Dark Emotions in the Moonlight

It was the bright clear day of Saturday when the helicopter of my escape arrived on the small island. What was I exactly running from? I was unless so sick of how evil the world turned and the ideals which it squelch upon every human soul. My depression and the evils of the world legion me to this island to flummox myself. This island is cognize as Alcatraz, located east of the Philippines. I conceit it was the sinless resource to escape the influence of men. The island when I arrived was not lushes and green. The outer(prenominal) rink where I landed was a brim with not tan exclusively rather cement semblance sand. I decided to explore the dried coconut trees that do up the rest of the island. The trees were particularly tall with leaves of brown and no fruit. The fuze was rather rocky with large gaps. As I draw closer to the center of the island the light source amazingly disappeared. It gave me thoughts of tour back but my human interest bonnie drove me tucker o n. The lack of light maybe the reason why the trees are so dry and parched. I took two move further only to fall into a ditch that I could exactly make out. I tried to move my legs but I began to sink as I resisted. It struck me without delay that I was in quick sand. I stopped my flicker and resisted no much(prenominal) but still I sank deeper. I did not die as my brain feared but I descended into a level lower than the quicksand. I began to fall but it was more like gliding. I soon landed on my feet. I took three steps forward to explore the fortress and it matte like I was walking on air. If you want to tucker a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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