
Friday, February 7, 2014


Segment| Description| LOVE TO TASTE| This segment is for who commonly love to suck up draw each day as a habit. The reason is simple because they love to taste the skinny cream of milk and enjoy it after a meal, or before going to sleep. Even there argon any(prenominal) kitty just drink milk to replace their breakfast or dinner.| KIDS| The development of the kids is very important, e oddly the ages from 1-3. Drinking milk will help children to grow up faster for their bodies , their teeth and bone. | HEALTHY LIFE| People who neediness to have a reliable and healthy life will be take in this major segment. There are a encompassing number of customers from all of the ages would like to consume milk every(prenominal) day to get a better health. For example, drink milk is great for heart, lower cholesterol.| FATNESS- GO AWAY| The segment is oddly created for who afraid of the gamyness. This is a cracking choice for minimum flump and cholesterol.| LONGLI FE MILK| There are some raft lack to keep the Milk longer in a tall temperature before chilling or consuming it. | SEGMENTATION AND emptor BEHAVIOUR The market of dairy Farmers Milk is divided into 5 segments: close to families in Australia drink milk every day. They drink it since they was new-fangled until they grow up. There are many reasons the people emergency to drink milk. The reason to buy milk simply because it is good for health and it is not a luxury crop. The price is before reasonable, therefore it does not affect much to the buyer s decision. The main factors which lead customers to consider about the milk are the taste and the quality of milk. The milk of dairy farm Farmes was produced in a fresh and qualitative way. There are different types of people who drinking milk. Also , there are various harvests of milk. Dairy Farmers divided their milk to a few segments such as the product for people want to has a healthy life, the product for peopl e want to keep their fatness at minimum, or ! the product just only for kids. Dairy...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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