
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Introduction to Health and Disease

Afri flock Americans and plaza Disease University of Phoenix: Online HCS/245 11/01/2010 Rebecca Johnson African Americans and t one and only(a) Disease In the United States, Heart unsoundness is the number champion killer of men and women of all races. The one that is most discerning about is coronary thrombosis melter boldnessedness infirmity. Coronary plaza disease occurs when in that location is a pulpup of fatty wedge and cholesterol in the affection arteries and your heart become clogged. rake flow through and through the heart arteries that carry oxygen-rich breed to the heart brawn, which ar your coronary arteries. Over duration, the fatty pay back called plaque can build up in the walls of these arteries, step-down the course flow to the heart muscle, which can cause actors assistant vexation called angina. This chest pain occurs in some people, except it does not occur in everyone (American Heart Association, 2006). Over while that fatty deposit can break loose triggering a blood clot to form. This clot can block the blood flow to your heart muscle causing that blocked fragment to start dying. This is considered a heart attack. The quicker you get fatality treatment the much(prenominal) of your heart muscle might be saved (American Heart Association, 2006). In the African American culture, heart disease is especially acid compared to whites. Lila Havens, a staff author of my Optum Health writes, African Americans tend to get heart disease at a younger age, their rate of first time heart attacks are higher(prenominal) at all ages, they are more in all probability to swoon of heart disease, and African Americans are more prone to jerky cardiac death (Havens, 2010). Risk Factors accord to the American Heart Association (2006), African American women are at great seek for cardiovascular disease than every other heathen group, yet they are less likely than white women to h! unch forward that they may have major risk factors. Among African Americans there are major risk factors identified by the American Heart Association for cardiovascular...If you require to get a rise essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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