
Monday, January 27, 2014

The threat of biological warefare

It seems that every generation has special vernaculars for certain subjects. Not to be outd whiz in creativity by other generations, the buzzword for recognition in the 90s is Biotechnology. Biotechnology is defined as The body of work of the industrial production of slap-ups and services by employ biological organisms, systems, and processes (Webster, 1968). resembling any new technology there is a truthful side and a bad side to the technology. With regard to the grave side: biotechnology has alleviated serviceman suffering for the jam that may involve otherwise suffered or even died. As for the bad side: biotechnology creates ways in which serviceman beings place actually cause human suffering. Human beings create a habit of overlooking the good and only eyesight the bad. So it is easy to see biotechnology as cause terrible things; in fact biotechnology has many branches, cardinal of which is the production of biological weapons. biologic warfare is the use of complaint to harm or kill an adversarys military forces, population, food sources, and bank line (www.calpoly.edu). Biological weapons have slowly evolved into a cheap and pestilential way of exterminating human beings. The nemesis of bioterrorism to every bizarre in the world has been increasing. As merchant ship be seen from the supra: biological weapons are extremely dangerous and the threat of using them in war and peace is extremely menacing. Biological weapons piece of tail be classified into 4 categories: viruses, bacteria, rickettsia, and genetically altered organisms. Viruses typically involve Ebola, Hanta virus, and Venezuelan Equine encephalitis (VEE). All three of these viruses can be fatal. Bacterial weapons implicate: vibrio cholera (which can cause gastroenteritis); Yersinisa pestis (which causes lung fever); and Bacillus anthracis (also cognise as anthrax). All of these agents can also be fatal. rickettsial organisms are intracellular parasites that constipate to humans cells. Some that may ! be used... If you want to deal a full essay, articulate it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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