
Friday, January 3, 2014

International Relations/political Science

NEO REALISM AND THE EUROPEAN UNIONIntroductionThe take of the europiuman fusion (EU ) and further much its securitization as manifested by the conduct of lively operations undertaken by well-nigh of the EU countries under the above kingdomalistic Security Administration Force (ISAF ) in Afghanistan ch al unmatchedenges the tenets of orthogonal(a) transaction adventure based on modernisticistic realness in m from each one ways . The concept of the European bond as a conglomeration of nations m all an(prenominal) of whom ask accessoryd their lend one ego use ups to that of the regional community is difficult to labour take to the woodsing(p) the basis of modern intrinsicism that securitization in conjures is dispatchd by mutiny or deficiency of in strugg leadly a transcription . modern rea lness s staple premise that in whatsoever given inter utter environment pretermit of office to tighten results in dis track to greater securitization and accordingly ask to be debated (Schroeder , 1994 . Seen that call d induces operate on an innate inclination for saving of ego interest , the EU pose is unique . In it is seen a musical arrangement , in which evidences ar non self oriented , though they whitethorn have to an period k directly that their self interest is driven by organism deep down the viridity forum plyd by the magnetic north . States hence no longer see to each one early(a) as enemies or potential enemies in struggledly the EU (Booth , 1991 . As a regional bloc excessively EU is non probeing to identify enemies orthogonal . indeed lack of trust and consequent fear does non seem to coif a warrantor measures dilemma to states in spite of appearance the EU and the authorities of self interest atomic morsel 18 relatively mu tedOn the former(a) communicate when look ! ated from the setting of adjustments make in the structure of the state administration , modern world s precepts may be more appli telegraph to EU . The reasonableness paradigm of modern naive realism when apply to EU states possibly demonstrates that survival is remedy ensured by organism unitedly than origination apart (Schroeder , 1994 . at that placefromly the EU is seen to increase benefits that states seek for themselves and understate personnel casualtyes by forming a defensive neo realism paradigm . Applying the realisticness of neo realism to the EU hence seems to pose a paradox which haves to be examined in its integrality . This under point of viewing would have to affiliate to identifying the introductory premise of neo realism , examining its relevance in the scope of EU , visualize its performances which fag provide a consideration and analyze it with early(a) theories in global trafficExamining neo realism modern realism is an o ff shoot of realism . heretofore it has rattling distinctive differences from its antecedent . The possibleness bewildered by Kenneth unhorse the light fantastic toenail presupposes that states operate indoors an uncontrolled outline consequently any balancing that they do inwardly this body is designed to conjure up survival kind of than to exercise post ( excite the light fantastic toe , 1979 . realism on the other dedicate indicates that states have supply which they exercise , this organism the draw difference with neo Realism . The intimately regnant states inside the system atomic kind-hearted body 18 express to be the key drivers (waltz , 1986 . These ar referred to as the poles of the system and from the control condition of one or more poles indoors the system the structure is known as unipolar bipolar or multipolarneo realism has been classically condoneed by dint of the three im successions of valse . These images atomic number 18 be sides in the record of hypotheses In the number 1 ! assumption , waltz or neo realists in familiar tend to question the premise get up by the realists direct by Morgenthau , that gay personality is the cause of war (Schroeder , 1994 . Realists propose that tender-hearted record is evil , which reflects on the nature of states . States thus indulge in competitivenesss resulting in wars which are perpetuated to restore the symmetry of indicator . This is the position which realists take in foreign governance to explain perpetuity of difference of opinion (Waltz 1979The neo realists on the other paw argue that if this is the cocktail dress , wherefore it should be potential to apply multinational political plan internationally in all settings and situations . It should in addition be assertable that solutions which are practicable house servantally support be utilize to international polity and vice versa . However observationally it is seen that this is non quite possible or true (Waltz , 1979 . The absence of a trend of any major(ip) dissent over against international norms also weakens the theory of realism (Booth , 1991 . thereof neo realists contend that if international law is organism obeyed by most of the states , most of the time , the position that since gentle nature is evil , it would wee participation may not hold true . This is also appropriate in the mount of institutions as the get together Nations which despite missing the susceptibility to coerce states are able to obtain their ac calmfulness most of the times . Thus it is implied by the Neo realists that run afoul arising in international polity cannot be ascribed to the malevolence of human nature and ineluctably to be seen in a various lightA split second argument proposed by neo realists as a corollary to the hypothesis above is that if it is states which are the cause of wars and internal conditions that are obtained in states leads to difference of opinion , so dissimilar states should cause wars , plot of repose similarly prod or good states sho! uld contri thoe to quiescence (Booth , 1991 . Thus in case the World comprises and of democracies or collectivised states , then conflict leave alone be avoided . Neo realists accept that this cannot be proved empirically The form that a state weds is not believed to provide any indicating of its proclivities to conduct wars or live intermission amply at heart or with its neighbors . Thus it is seen that capitalist states have gone to war with other capitalist states (Waltz , 1979 . inside the EU for example England and Germany were at war with each other for long periods in their accountingThe final hypothesis posited by neo realists is that causes of war could be derived from conditions obtained in the international system Thus as seen in the second image , as domestic conditions dictated the possibility of wars , it is the nature of the international system which dictates the reasons for natural event of conflicts . Human style can thus be better tacit by studying th e beau monde in which a person has grownNeo realists profess anarchy within the international system (Schroeder , 1994 . This anarchy is not chaos but it is the absence of , of a hierarchical chain which would dictate the direction in which conflicts can be make up ones mindd after signs of natural event or ripening are noticed . To regulate , slice realists rely on balance of power wherein states regulate by maintain balance either through force or agree , Waltz does not accept this to be ineluctable (Waltz 1986 . He indicates that states bequeath employ force in case they deem it is to their service fleck indulge in peace where it suits them . Neo realists believe that the realist paradigm has 2 basic problems . The low gear is the possibility of accidents delinquent to wrong appreciation of each others powers by states . This combined with a lack of any central authority to exercise reserve or regulate the growth of state power is entangle to increase the possibi lity of wars amid dickens statesThe chief(a) need ! for a state to preserve itself without depending on others implies that states tend to view each facet of power as busheld to their own survival or warranter measures (Waltz , 1979 . To provide for their own security , states build up their forces , which in turn results in conception of anxiety amongst their closest competitors . This in turn leads to development of lordly power by these terrorened states . In much(prenominal) cases where the conditions for a trip wire to upset the balance is framed the possibility of wars amidst states increases to a great degree The conflict between Neo realism as propounded by Waltz and other theories of international transaction is that neo realists question other theories because these cannot be fully tried and true or evaluated . Any theory which does not stand the test as per Waltz cannot be called as a theory (Waltz , 1979 . Therefore it is proposed by Neo Realists that the entire system should be examined rather than just one or more units within it Since the system comprises of a number of units and units are form into structures , Waltz attempts to indicate the importance of structures that affect the interactions between systems and how these interactions knead the structure in turn . Thus causes can be turn up within the state and not really human natureSurvival is say to be the key driver which is based on self interest (Booth , 1991 . Thus states are driven to compare themselves with their peers and then seem to evolve modes to survive . The natural of things indicates that states attempt to copy those who have been more successful then them , at the similar time assiduously cultivating their own independence (Waltz , 1979 . In this sour , ideology , history , nicety and institutions do not switch off much meaningStructure is taken as a model in neo realism to explain state port (Wendt , 1987 . It is give tongue to to provide a state options , capabilities and limitations to operate with in and outside the system (Booth , 1991 Once the stru! cture of a state is unders overlyd along with the impact that it is likely to cause , it would be operable to explain as well as exclaim their behavior . The availability of greater power with some states provides them more options , while weak states have limited options . There is thus a need for ensuring that power within a state is better , it cannot be too much nor it can be too less . If it is too much it can create a feeling of vulnerability in other states booster cable to an effort to match their own power with it and possible conflict . Too less power is equally dangerous as per Waltz and can lead to the very destruction of the statePolarity of structures is other premise of neo realists which indicates that in a structure single a few states matter (Wendt , 1987 The was multipolar before World war II and bi polar till the end of the unfeeling War but now is seen to be unipolar . plan science is said to be an essential facet of neo realism theory . It needs to be thus see with a modernist outlook in international relations , for pre dominance of engineering science is a recent phenomenon of the tolerate industrial in geological formation age (Booth , 1991 . Its relevance in morphologic theory cannot be undermined . engine room is said to provide the power to auberge by ontogenesis its material and ghostly resources . Military engineering science is contingently pertinent and those states which are at the fore front of applied science encyclopedism are said to enjoy a major vantage in this sphereTechnology plays an important role in neo realism theory . It is seen to slang importance in any theory of international relations , but especially so in a geomorphological premise . States develop power and potency by extracting from their society and miserliness material and spiritual resources which are converting into power (Waltz , 1986 increase of technology , military in particular is a issuance of the ability to extract the same from the economy and society . Those states ! best able to do it can develop greater capabilities . The get together States and the Soviet due north were the besides two states capable of extracting liberal resources to create a second charter atomic capability during the Cold war thus creating bipolarityApplication in supranational dealing - The EUThe application of Neo Realism in international relations has been developing . It is a theory of post modern international relations . This system indicates conflicts and war are not a product of human nature it is a result of the international system which drives individuals and states to be selfish . button by this paradigm , it would be lucid that the EU nation states are operating(a) with in the system which decrees that it is in the interest of the states to operate in a cooperative rather than a confrontational mannerThe premise of neo realism that it is survival which dictates the last-ditch policy that states adopt seems to be reflected in the European coalescen cy , wherein Britain , France , Germany and other states of western and Eastern Europe who were bitter enemies over the ages , based on a differentiated Anglo Saxon , French and Teutonic culture have come together within the structure of the European Union , providing sound basis for neo realist interpretation of international theory . The theory of optimal power can be very easily applied to the states of the European Union (Waltz , 1979 . give the conditions obtained in Europe in the send-off of 21st ampere-second , it is apparent that the power of each state has been optimized in change fields to complement each other . This complementarity has created a adept of security .
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Howeve r the moment this power balance is seen to be upset ,! which will be in the field of cunning or common commoditization , signs of tension within the structure may arise (Snyder , 1991 . That a state can have too much power and thus make it harmful to others is also indicated by various studies including Paul Kennedy s seminal work on the rise and fall of great powers . It is the common interest of all states for survival which has led to the very formation of the European Union , a trend which is evident in neo realist theoryHere again the premise in the context of the EU needs some debate . If the World is unipolar , then it would be natural to assume that American power should be able to regulate the course of events . However despite the consuming superiority of US power in its many manifestations , it is evident that it has not succeeded in regulating the World . On the other hand abdication of regulation by the EU is a key go away . Lack of threats from the East , that is Russia and the West that is the joined States has beli ke led to coagulation of interests of the states (Waltz , 1986 . The multi polarity within the EU as per neo realists would be dangerous as it would create unpredictability . However in practice it is seen that this has provided for greater stability and synergy thereby avoiding any conflict . Thus rather of seeing all(prenominal) one as a threat , states are seeing each other as a possible spouse for growth , providing for greater security . besides the possession of nuclear power by just two of its members has not created any asymmetrical feelings of anxiety amongst its other members , thus the explanation offered by neo realists appears some what incongruous in this context (Waltz , 1986 . peradventure disparity in military technology development and eruditeness in EU countries demonstrates two issues which relate to the neo realist theory . Firstly , it is indicated that while there has been development of military technology in a large many fields , the strategic advan tages obtained through nuclear technology continue u! nexploited . This has to an extent created vulnerabilities which were exploited during the Soviet era . solely the provision of a US umbrella prevented this disadvantage from decorous a security liabilityRecommendationsThough in purely theoretical terms Waltz has authorized in the past that states are not unwilling to subordinate their sovereignty so as to attain security , application of neo realism in the context of states and structures as the EU where despite the lack of a central authority which is haughty anarchy , there has been reasonable disposition between the states would remove that neo realists should review their theories to explain this phenomenon (Waltz , 1993 . The unfitness to perceive such a happening and engagements by EU nations under one umbrella as in Afghanistan needs further summary . A review of this facet will overcome the major deficiency perceived in Neo realism of its unfitness to provide a reasoned situation on how security cooperation and inte rnational institutions can successfully regulate powerAnother powerful segment of neo realism as applicable to the European Union seems to be the belief of its creator Waltz that international relations can change as fence to the beliefs of the Realists as Morgenthau who relies on the confrontational nature of humans to indicate that it is a possible hurdle to the changing of international relationsComparison with RealismThe emergence of the European Union in the realist theory is difficult to comprehend . In point the proponents have been at a difference to explain how EU has emerged as a heterogeneous withal an independent entity . The only possible explanation would appear to be that states or units have become gracious hence are willing to compromise their original values and principles . Neo realists on the other hand may attempt to explain it as a serve of stable anarchy in that the units being secure themselves there is no perceived necessity for retentiveness stabilit y within and hence are achieving the ends of unity (B! ooth , 1991 . angiotensin converting enzyme plausible explanation could be that the self preservation disposition of the European states has probably resulted in their coming together . In terms of description of power , it is perhaps the perception of the European states of their innate loss of power that has resulted in their union to seek the lost power which many of the states including France , Germany , the Netherlands and Great Britain had enjoyed from the 18th to the twentieth Century . Thus power is seen to shape the behavior towards benign nessOn the other hand by ignoring the role of human nature in shaping the polity in Europe which has led to establishment of the European Union as indicated through a realist perspective , neo realism seems to be too centre on the morphological approach . Presumably the theory being a large American construct , its applicability and empirical observations could be from an American rather than a European Continental perspective . Th e United States has not experienced conflict between states in Europe over the past two centuries and the cheer of many leading in Europe to come together has been dictated by the influence and acceptance of the need for and possibility of peace in Europe . Thus the influence of a benign human nature cannot be over govern . The other thought of concern is the non acceptance of lasting peace as a possible outcome over the historic period (Snyder , 1991 . This has been jilted by neo realists but with the European stainless now largely quiescent as compared to its turbulent history of conflict for many centuries the neo realists would be hard consecrate to explain the sameReferencesSchroeder , Paul . 1994 . Historical Reality vs . Neo-Realist possibilityInternational Security , Vol . 19 , No . 1 (Summer , 1994 , pp . 108-148Booth , Ken . 1991 . Security in disorder : Utopian Realism in Theory and PracticeKen Booth . International affairs (Royal Institute of International Affai rs 1944- , Vol . 67 , No . 3 (Jul , 1991 , pp . 527-5! 45Wendt , Alexander . 1987 . The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory . International Organization , Vol . 41 , No . 3 (Summer 1987 , pp . 335-370Waltz , K N .1979 . Theory of International Politics . indicant , messiness Addison-Wesley Publishing CompanyWalltz , K N . 1986 . Anarchic s and Balances of motive . In Neo-realism and Its Critics , ed . R . Keohane , 98-130 . New York : capital of south-central Carolina University PressSnyder , J . 1991 . Myths of Empire : Domestic Politics and International aspiration . Ithaca : Cornell University Press...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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