
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Gental Man Commander

Gental Man Com humansder He lived with his beliefs and he made them livable. He laughed and joked. He sympathized with others and comforted them. He was kind to all, both man and beast. He stood for truth. He stood for thoughtfulness of others. He loved his neighbors. He could exculpate his enemies. He worshiped and prayed. He obeyed the law. To those you follow him there is an lawsuit of The humans Commander. This is equitable one of the many paragraphs that portray Robert E. leewards more gentle sides in the book The human washables Commander. Most people see Lee as a hard knock commander who pushed his soldiers to their limit. At least thats how I saw him until I read the book The humanity Commander. It points out that Lee wasnt a bad man. forever since Lee was a young boy he worshiped and prayed hardly like most people today. He didnt decline the North like many Southern Commanders. He was comely fighting for what he believed. In my eyes, Lee w as a make up man that just got caught i...If you want to get a dependable essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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