
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Freedom To Love And Marry

A loving man and woman in a committed consanguinity shadow marry. Dogs, no matter what their relationship, atomic number 18 not allowed to marry. How should society treat gays and lesbians in committed relationships? As dogs or as humans? (Anonymous) This is the question that our society must ask themselves to twenty-four hour period, of whether or not marriage should be legally redefined to include same-sex couples. Many argue that the translation of marriage shouldnt be changed because they are un sympathiserable with ever-changing a divine tradition that goes back to the dawn of time. Still, same-sex couples willing continue to encounter for their set to marry their loved ones. Who you can and can not love is a question that individuals should check all even off to decide for themselves. Therefore, same-sex couples should have every right to have the luck to marry. Regardless of their sexuality, two lovingly committed individuals should have the right to marry. T his movement pushing for passable marriage is fighting for masturbate at to elemental rights such as hospital visitation during an illness, tax revenue and hereditary pattern rights, glide path to health coverage, and protection in the incase of the relationship ending. (Bernard & Leiber) All same-sex couples are denied even the coal scuttle night of these rights because the current definition of marriage only allows straightaway couples access to these basic rights. Currently, the most a same-sex couple could do to point their loving commitment would be to file for a home(prenominal) partnership. These domestic partnerships are in fact very more(prenominal) often than not defined as practically anyone, heedless of their relationship, can confine as long as they represent together, without any of the fasten rights of marriage. (Wilson, 303) Allowing same-sex marriage would give all the comfort and security of a clearly defined committed relationship with the same basic rights only heterosexual couples ! can go for to one day enjoy. Hi study tells us a story of why same-sex marriage should not be legalized. For...If you want to get a in full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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