
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Darwin Awards

Darwin Awards The Darwin Awards commemorate individuals who protect our gene pool by invent the ultimate sacrifice of their own lives: by eliminating themselves in an extraordinarily idiotic manner, thereby improving our species chance of long-term survival. In other words, they are cautionary tales ab out mess who hide themselves in really stupid ways, and in doing so, importantly correct the gene pool by eliminating themselves from the human race. These individuals get out disastrous plans that any average pre-teen knows are the resolving of a really bad idea. The single-minded purpose and self-denial of the winners, and the spectacular means by which they snuff themselves, make them candidates for the honor of kind a Darwin Award. The terrorist who mails a letter bomb with short cast deserves to win a Darwin Award when he blows himself up porta the returned package. As does the fisherman who throws a lit stick around of dynamite for his faithful golden retrieve...If you want to get a profuse essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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