
Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Effectiveness Of Reconstruction

The Effectiveness of reconstructive memory The end of the Civil warfare spawned waste and corruption, with Americans leery of their political system. The death of Lincoln brought upon the farming unqualified presidents, whose policies did junior-grade to ease the dilemmas that the country was facing. Most conspicuously was Reconstruction, which sat hard on the shoulders of the government, and had to be handled with utmost precaution and tact, as it would settle the relationship between the northerly and the southern for years to come. Nevertheless, the untactful government led to the reverse of Reconstruction. In the Union, though preserved, dummy up lingered resentment between the two sides the Reconstruction failed to soften, and slavery, though abolished, whitewash existed through different forms and the oppression of black rights ensued. As Reconstruction did not fulfill its objectives of restoring two-eyed violet and unity to the Union and granting slaves equal rights, it is remembered in history as a glorious failure. Resentment widely existed from both the North and the South. Reconstruction was meant to resume the country to unity later on the Civil War; instead, it produced to a greater extent bad blood between the two sides than the war itself. Republicans wanted to raspingly retaliate the South for its actions.
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They also wanted to guarantee their restraint in Congress by not allowing any ex-Confederates or Democrats to join. In addition, by bringing up the Civil War, they corrupted any Confederate politicians image, practically ensuring the Republicans the office. The actions interpreted by the Republican Party ensured its rejec tion by the South for cardinal ascorbic ac! id years. The South also retaliated for what they believed as wrongs done against them by the North and their resentment ran deep. The South believed the Republicans in the North were uprooting the Southern sort of life and rejected any northerner that came to the South. They gave these northerners the insulting name, Carpetbaggers. In addition, they rejected anyone...If you want to get a full essay, put it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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