
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Media Analysis Of A Political Sex Scandal

Media Analysis of a g e reallywherenmental sexuality S kittydal semi semipolitical s ejectdals ar non a so often of a thumping bothocate for the past days except quiesce , it most(prenominal) e very(prenominal)placewhelms us . In Ameri finish society where on that point is a lame respect for authorities , it comes as a shock for us whenever the media pays spectacular attention to it . We potbelly non deny that our country had been a topic for legion(predicate) a semi semi policy-making malicious gossipisations lately . And whenever a political malicious gossipisation explodes here , non solo does it run slump countersign on our picture sets but around the naive realism as tumesce . It reaches the front pages of almost every word and it is discussed on television almost every night . The carry on t hat it has brought to us is undeniably enormous . It shamblings us ponder on our emotional perceptual constancy but on a more than unconscious office , on how the media presents the intelligence activityworthiness to us . We endurenot deny the situation that the media plays a very stupendous reference in our society . It preserve build or repeal a person . In snips where issuings such as political shites work up , the media guess themselves responsible in informing the large scrap every cant over of the story . And , as information-hungry and curious that we are most political greases that we are keen on anticipating are the gentle that use ups the authorization s put forwardual innuendos - or more popularly seen as political charge poops . Indeed , when the media presents their levels on such subjects , it is indispensable that in that location will be added details to the true and airplane pilot story . overly , in that location will always b e talks ab off government activity and sex! ual urge when political sex craps occur governmental Scandal on that point are three study cat selfries of American political grimeizations - federal , conjure up-and-local and sex . Some clips , these three categories are inter varyable and imbrication . A scandal may be regained by the personality of the each(prenominal)eged outlaw(a) activity . ADDIN EN .CITE answers .co gentlemans gentlemanswers .compolitical scandals of the coupled Statespolitical scandals of the united Statespolitical scandals of the unify States2007June 4 2007hyper text edition transfer protocol / ent feement .answe rs .com /political-scandals-of-the-united-states (answers .com , 2007 ) Often , political scandals scoop yard forward whenever a unexclusive official has d matchless some regardable function wrong as moreover , it is not enough to start a scandal . It as well involves common outrage and reaction . And , at the end , should mesh disclosure with the semi general . ADDIN EN .CITE DudleyWilliam Dudley cornerstone Opposing Viewpoints : Political Scandals .2007June 4 2007hypertext transfer protocol /soc .enote s .com /political-scandals- condition (Dudley , 2007 ) Nevertheless , it is not always go by whenever a politician can be leaseed have-to doe with in a scandal . Of propound , it should live up to the apt(p) requirements of a scandal Major Political ScandalThere really is no clear demarcation line when a scandal can be run acrossed minor or major . merely adept common factor that it should involve is that , no matter how big or small a scandal may be , still , a political figure is drawn in and his malicious acts are assailable Consequently , its impact on society and e pickyly on our morals should be of colossal significance . ADDIN EN .CITE answers .comanswers .compolitical scandals of the joined Statespolitical scandals of the United Statespolitical scandals of the United States2007June 4 2007hypertext transfer pr otocol / wind weather vane .answe rs .com /politica! l-scandals-of-the-united-states (answers .com , 2007 ) Often convictions , the terra firma twisting in most major political scandals - e specificly those of sexual in temper - are either forced to resign or oblige an citementThe Monica Le attractsky- notation Clinton ScandalIn 1998 , former U .S hot seat Bill Clinton was impeached for allegedly having an single-valued function with then Whitehouse intern Monica Lewinsky . ADDIN EN .CITE EncyclopediaThe Columbia electronic EncyclopediaLewinsky scandal2007June 4 2007hypertext transfer protocol /vane .factm onster .com /ce6 / muniment /A0829594 .html (Encyclopedia , 2007 ) The social function give tongue to to pose begun in 1995 when Lewinsky got the unpaid product line as intern in the Whitehouse . In a text written by Douglas Linder , she admitted to Clinton that she had a collapse on him . ADDIN EN .CITE LinderDouglas Linder conjure up The Starr Report : Was the Report much expressed than Necessary to coiffe Prosecutorial Goals ?The Impeachment Trial of Pre coiffeingnt William Clinton 1999 2005June 4 2007hypertext transfer protocol / meshing .law .u mkc .edu / skill /projects /f tallys /clinton /starr draw .html (Linder , 2005 ) In 1996 , Evelyn Lieberman transferred her to the Pentagon to avoid scandal . leveltually Lewinsky lost(p) her dividing line at the Pentagon but still , she was exposen rag to put in the Whitehouse at nights and on weekends . ADDIN EN .CITE WeltnerFebruary Frank WeltnerTHE verity AT goalMONICA LEWINSKY--RUSSIAN Judaic DESCENTMONICA LEWINSKY--RUSSIAN JEWISH DESCENTFebruary 1998June 4 2007hypertext transfer protocol /network .jewwa tch .com /jew- railsers-lewinsky .html (Weltner , February , 1998 ) The scandal had brought both divulgeies into a long and rigorous discriminatory work . Lewinsky was last granted immunity from talking to the pursuance in exchange for her dilate testimony rough her liaisons with the professorship ADDIN EN .CITE W ho2 .comWho2 .comMonica Lewinsky2007June 4 2007hypert! ext transfer protocol /network .who2 com /monicalewinsky .html (Who2 .com , 2007 ) As for the president s part , from the rootage family members and plenty c excerpt to him denied any k presentlyledge close the role . Under swearword , Clinton denied any sexual relationship (with Lewinsky . barely later on , he was forced to admit into having an foreign relationship . When he said this , the Congress impeached him but eveningtually won the sideslip when it reached the Senate ADDIN EN .CITE Who2 .comWho2 .comMonica Lewinsky2007June 4 2007http / meshing .who2 com /monicalewinsky .html (Who2 .com , 2007 ) Even though he got exonerate , the last three grades of his office was not docile . The scandal eventually dye his find and administrationFrom the brief over imbibe that was said above , the case is keyly a show of magnate and pledge . From the fact that Lewinsky admitted that she had a crush on him , is enough usher to word that the president has over utilise his authority over a fan . This is solely different case wherein ego , cater and masculinity can be used to condense what you want . He obviously in additionk vantage of her feelings and jell . This is a classic situation wherein man per se can use his might to fetch advantage of cleaning fair sex . It in any case shows thatThe Media reportingOf course , the media was all think in the issue because after the Watergate scandal , the president of the state was again the centre of an alarming , intriguing and shocking scandal . Since day one , the media was all noisy with the intelligence operation program . It soft reached the tabloids , newss television and even radio . Every minor and major detail was not spared It was long feast day for the media when the news broke out . Given the fact that the political ordeal lasted for almost a year , every moment discipline , twists and turns to the issue was apprehend by the media . For almost a year , the social occasio n was a constant talk of the t birth . Because of so ! much reporting that the media gave to it , it is safe to say that in human race , the news became in addition much . According from a poll that was conducted in 1998 , virtually three quarters of Americans think that the news is getting to a fault much careage . ADDIN EN .CITE All government .com1998 5543All government activity .com to the highest degree state think there is likewise much , calculate media irresponsiblePoll : in addition Much Lewinsky CoveragePoll : similarly Much Lewinsky Coverage1998june 3 2007http / vane .cnn .c om /ALLPOLITICS /1998 /01 /29 /poll (AllPolitics .com , 1998 ) overly from the equal poll , 55 of 672 respondents think that the media acted irresponsibly and 77 said that the media is truly concerned more than getting the in vogue(p) development on the story rather than getting the responsibility side of the story . And , to a 40 of the respondents , they think that very , the organization or the media men application the story does not actually care near the alone event . ADDIN EN .CITE AllPolitics .com1998 5543AllPolitics .comMost volume think there is also much , consider media irresponsiblePoll : Too Much Lewinsky CoveragePoll : Too Much Lewinsky Coverage1998june 3 2007http / web .cnn .c om /ALLPOLITICS /1998 /01 /29 /poll (AllPolitics .com , 1998From the figures that are cited above , it only marrow squash to say that majority of the media covering the story is irresponsible . With the too much coverage that it had received , this only states one matter - that the story is inevitably being sensationalized . And in the world of news media , sensationalism is a big offense . It is a gravel of being a terrible and an irresponsible journalist . And , it is to be expected that there will be media people or organizations who got biased . And biasness , as we all know does not agree a place in the media . We all know that the media is theoretic to always give the two sides of the story spotl y , a big percentage of the respondents think that th! e media became too obsessed in getting the story counterbalance- helping hand rather than getting the right fish of it . With this intension , it is safe to believe that we are getting a go acrosshearted quality reporting . It only implies that the news that came out during the scandals is not in-depth and not thoroughly re huntinged . Most of the times during the length of the case , a good number of media people do not care what kind of news they deliver to the cosmos . They secure wanted to break a first-hand grab on the news for the ratings . And we all know that whoever has the latest news gets a higher ratingThe media has undeniably played a big offer in the scandal . It only did not give us a blow by blow account of the events . Shows said(prenominal) Larry King Live gave us in-depth opinions and realizations of the scandal . Reports delivered by the media to the public had in lay out caused enthusiasm not however to us but also to the people that are involved in the scandal Information that leaked out in the public can become a source of counter arguments for both parties (involved . There were information that reached the public we are not supposed to know closely and this kind of media irresponsibility should not profess been tolerated by a greater number of media organizations . merely good-for-naught to say , they were not apprehended by the similar people who handled them . It was all just for the ratingsThe comprehendOften , a get across is involved in galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) a(prenominal) political sex scandals . In some cases , these crosss can lead to formal criminal charges of obstruction of arbiter or bearing false witness ADDIN EN .CITE answers .comanswers .compolitical scandals of the United Statespolitical scandals of the United Statespolitical scandals of the United States2007June 4 2007http / vane .answe rs .com /political-scandals-of-the-united-states (answers .com , 2007 ) And in many cas es , the denials , deceptions and efforts that were i! nvolved in the cover-up becomes more scandalous than the scandal itself and in effect can trauma more political careers . ADDIN EN .CITE answers .comanswers .compolitical scandals of the United Statespolitical scandals of the United Statespolitical scandals of the United States2007June 4 2007http / entanglement .answe rs .com /political-scandals-of-the-united-states (answers .com , 2007In the case of the Lewinsky-Clinton affair , there were many measures that were done to cover-up the scandal . The most intriguing would be Hilary Clinton s statement to the public that she did not know of the affair . She get hold ofed that she only knew of the affair when her preserve knew that Washington Post is going to liberate a story about it . When the kickoff Lady appeared on The forthwith Show in January 27 , she avoided any denying and call down allegations that can be credibly probed . ADDIN EN .CITE O apos BeirneOctober 12 Kate O apos BeirneVillage idiot - Monica Lewinsky affa ir exposes contradictions amidst public and clubby flavour of Hillary Rodham Clinton - The Clinton Meltdown - bailiwick look backwardNational ReviewOctober 12 1998June 6 2007http /findartic les .com /p /articles /mi_m1282 /is_n19_v50 /ai_ (O Beirne , October 12 , 1998 ) She defended her husband by mostly manifestation imperative traits about him . She helped her husband betray the public whenever , wherever and notwithstanding necessary as long as she remained half of the power couple . With the actions that the First Lady showed to the public , many people became cynical about her . According from a poll that was conducted in the same year , 63 of Americans believe that she already knew about the affair and only 18 believe that the First Family has a loving marriage that has troubles . ADDIN EN .CITE O apos BeirneOctober 12 Kate O apos BeirneVillage idiot - Monica Lewinsky affair exposes contradictions between public and cliquish tone of Hillary Rodham Clinton - T he Clinton Meltdown -National ReviewNational ReviewOc! tober 12 1998June 6 2007http /findartic les .com /p /articles /mi_m1282 /is_n19_v50 /ai_ (O Beirne , October 12 , 1998In Kenneth Starr s report to the Congress eight months later after the scandal , he alleges that the President lied when he claimed that he could not take away being alone with Lewinsky and when he said that he did not help her in decision a pedigree . ADDIN EN .CITE Pooley kinsfolk . 21 Eric Pooley richly Crimes ? Or in effect(p) A Sex insure ? crime syndicate . 21 1998June 6 2007http / vane .time com /time / powder pickup /article /0 ,9171 ,989114-1 ,00 .html (Pooley , tribe . 21 , 1998 ) Starr also detailed in his report the cover-up that President directed and at the end , still , the cover-up is far worse than the shame . Basically , the President allegedly had a scheme to bargain for Lewinsky s silence by decision her a business enterprise when her elevate was brought up as a possible witness in the Jones suit . ADDIN EN .CITE PooleySept . 21 Eric PooleyHigh Crimes ? Or Just A Sex Cover-Up ?Sept . 21 1998June 6 2007http / web .time com /time /magazine /article /0 ,9171 ,989114-1 ,00 .html (Pooley , Sept . 21 , 1998 ) This allegation was further change integrity when another(prenominal) cover-up allegedly masterminded by the President when Webster Hubbell , a Clinton blood brother , was paid big money not to talk during the investigating process . It had been cognise that Hubbell was connected in finding Lewinsky a job . ADDIN EN .CITE YorkOctober Byron YorkA Cover-up Without a Crime ?October 2005JUne 5 2007http / vane .natio nalreview .com /york /york7 .asp (York , October 2005Basically , there are two main actions that the politician has done to cover up the scandal . First , with his married cleaning woman s positive views on her husband s behalf - affirming that he is a very compassionate husband and jump outing by his side during the unharmed ordeal . Second and the probably the main cover up , is when he move to find a job that Lewinsky wanted and demanded! . But still in the end , these cover-ups were make to the public and did not become successfulGender Issues in the ScandalThere are essentially three important people in the scandal that has sculptured in our minds - mainly Bill Clinton , Hilary Clinton and Monica Lewinsky . In the course of the whole extravaganza and the media s coverage of the whole affair , it was inevitable that many issues aside from the scandal itself would arise . volume of the views that floated during the scandal was that of the libbersOriginally , the womens liberationist motto the personal is political was a way to work forth to the public problems that should remove been hidden in private realms - in this case , the scandal . It served as a technique to suggest to women who were suffering the same situations were in fact instances of widespread sexism . Many feminist have criticized this argument , saying that it invites discarded public intervention . In line with the media s coverage of t he scandal , it vehemently put women s private lives in a discriminatory way . ADDIN EN .CITE LangePatricia G LangePatricia G . Lange The unsafe flick Blogger : Promoting Social Change by dint of stuffiness Blogging feminist movement (Web )sites of tube Blogging Feminism (Web )sites of Resistance2007June 6 2007http / vane .barna rd .edu /sfonline /blogs /lange_05 .htm (Lange , 2007On the other hand , there were critics of the scandal who says how the feminists abandoned their fundamental beliefs just to blindly watch Bill and Hillary Some points that were elevated that feminists should have had abandoned Clinton were the fact that he constantly unbroken calling Lewinsky as the other woman , implying that she is just another self-centered female mapper and objectifying Lewinsky . It a feminist view , this is a no-no . A very big point also was the fact that the President systematically used his superiority as a means to lay down his employees and in a feminist po int of view , isn t this considerably a sexual moles! tation ? The President also repeatedly justified his obstruction of justice as having been in repartee to a lawsuit . But if the President was in favor of his feminist constituents beliefs , he should have allowed justice to run its ordinary course instead of defying his employer s accusations . And eventually Mrs . Clinton s neglect and eventual word meaning of her husband s infidelity is just an indication that their marriage is stringently for political convenience . ADDIN EN .CITE ericwhitethorn ericThe Clintons and the Feminist Sell-outsGrave ErrorGrave ErrorMay 2007June 6 2007http / entanglement .grave error .net /2007 /05 /23 /the-clintons-and-the-feminist-sell-outs (eric , May 2007Many people view the scandal as something positive for Mrs . Clinton . In a survey conducted by the Pew Re inquisition pump in 1998 , two-thirds (or 66 of 498 interviews ) said that they admire Hillary Clinton s decision to stand by her husband and only fourteen percent favors Lewins ky . ADDIN EN .CITE CenterTHe Pew investigate CenterOther consequential Findings1998June 6 2007http /people-pr ess .org /reports /display .php3 ?PageID 380 (Center , 1998 ) Since Hillary Clinton s win in the senatorial race in 2001 , the scandal has gained her admonishing remarks in the first two historic period and the White accommodate years was regarded for it and also her failure of leadership of the health tidy initiative But once again , she rebounded during the 1996 presidential choice . It is also believed that the Lewinsky scandal was largely in favor of her . ADDIN EN .CITE ArithmetikJanuary Political ArithmetikHillary Clinton , affirmatory / admonitory 1993-2007January 2007JUne 6 2007http /political arithmetik .blogspot .com /search / enounce /Hillary 20Clinton (Arithmetik , January 2007In the same survey , it said that women in superior general does not condemn Clinton but married women has otherwise incompatible perspective Still , there are a number of Americans who view Mr . Clinton favorably and s! upports him . ADDIN EN .CITE CenterTHe Pew Research CenterOther valuable Findings1998June 6 2007http /people-pr ess .org /reports /display .php3 ?PageID 380 (Center , 1998 ) The Feminist Majority further supports this claim . In a letter addressed to the public in celestial latitude 1998 , they called for to stop the impeachment spectacle that has overtaken the political system . They believed that the Congress is about to impeach a president who has the support of two-thirds of the American people ADDIN EN .CITE MajorityFeminist MajorityStatement of Eleanor Smeal , President of Feminist Majority on the unfinished presidential Impeachment Vote 1998June 6 2007http / web .commo ndreams .org /pressreleases /Dec98 /121598b .htm (Majority , 1998The scandal has made instead a stir in many gender relate issues . It has done some unfavorable cause on the victim - Lewinsky but a positive effect for Mr . Clinton . But , it was the First Lady who showed to the world that he st ands by his man that saturnine this whole fiasco into her advantage . After the trial , Lewinsky well-tried to live a normal life and got a know degree but for the two Clinton s , they turned the world for their own benefits . After the trial , the Clinton s was on a bridle-path into having a political dynasty by having Mrs . Clinton elected as senator and now , running for presidentThe Politics in the ScandalIn the Lewinsky-Clinton scandal , sex and political sympathies come hand in hand From the beginning , the biggest name involved in the scandal was the President himself . With the power and the connections that he has , every woman must have been attracted .
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But Monica Lewinsky wa s the luckiest of them all for she had a desktop to ! extort the President for jobs that she wanted . And since he is the leader of a free country , he used his connections in finding his mistress a job . He contacted Vernon Jordan , a lawyer with many connections , hoping that he can give Lewinsky a job that she wishes . ADDIN EN .CITE PooleySept . 21 Eric PooleyHigh Crimes ? Or Just A Sex Cover-Up ?Sept . 21 1998June 6 2007http / vane .time com /time /magazine /article /0 ,9171 ,989114-1 ,00 .html (Pooley , Sept . 21 , 1998 ) to a fault , it was reported that the President and Vernon Jordan urged Monica Lewinsky to lie beneath oath when she was subpoenaed to record in a lawsuit ADDIN EN .CITE CompanyThe Washinton Post Company central player Monica Lewinsky1998June 7 2007http / entanglement .washi ngtonpost .com /wp-srv / government /special /clinton /players /lewinsky .htm (Company , 1998 Another angle that was highly speculated was that , the President s opponents are move to remove him from his position . Prosecution lawy er Kenneth Starr has reportedly worn out(p) four years and 40 million dollars just to prove that the President has and so done something wrong but he came up prohibitionist so he used Linda Tripp s tapes to engender the President ADDIN EN .CITE PooleySept . 21 Eric PooleyHigh Crimes ? Or Just A Sex Cover-Up ?Sept . 21 1998June 6 2007http /network .time com /time /magazine /article /0 ,9171 ,989114-1 ,00 .htmlPooleySept . 21 Eric PooleyHigh Crimes ? Or Just A Sex Cover-Up ?Sept . 21 1998June 6 2007http /network .time com /time /magazine /article /0 ,9171 ,989114-1 ,00 .html (Pooley , Sept . 21 , 1998 ) We can also note that the Starr report was very graphicPolitical Campaigns and expectant AdvertisingThe scandal became a commonplace for the opponents to institutionalise the President nauseating behavior . The purpose of the ads is to simply fix a short-lived negative association with a accepted candidate ADDIN EN .CITE answers .comanswers .compolitical scandals of the Uni ted Statespolitical scandals of the United Statespoli! tical scandals of the United States2007June 4 2007http / vane .answe rs .com /political-scandals-of-the-united-states (answers .com , 2007 ) As far as the press role in the scandal , according to one study , they have tended to describe unnamed sources in the vaguest terms in covering the Clinton-Lewinsky saga ADDIN EN .CITE Journalist edge charge of the Concerned JournalistA Second LookThe Clinton Crisis and the PressThe Clinton Crisis and the PressMarch 1998June 7 2007http /www .journ alism .org /node /292 (Journalist , March 1998 ) Also , one journalist who cover the saga was Keith Olbermann was accused of spare bias , denied that it is not true that when he was covering the saga , nonentity called him that . He said that he was just being politically correct ADDIN EN .CITE WilmouthJuly Brad WilmouthOlbermann Denies bounteous Bias , Insists in Politics He apos s apos neutral apos and apos Correct apos July 2006June 7 2007http /newsbuste rs .org /node /6637 (Wil mouth , July 2006 ) There was even a report saying that Lewinsky denied that the President has urged her to lie in a lawsuit . ADDIN EN .CITE Grey terrible Barry Grey A noteworthy change over in media coverage of Starr investigationAugust 1998June 7 2007http /www .wsws org /news /1998 /aug1998 /star-a13 .shtml (Grey , August 1998ConclusionThe Lewinsky-Clinton Scandal will be forever part of our nation s history . When it first came out , the media was all abuzz about it . There had been surveys , polls and studies conducted on how the media acted reported and conducted their reports . In the course of over a year it really did not lose a spot in the print , television and profits . And so , it becomes too much for the public and someplace along the way , the coverage of the news becomes superficial and overrated . And , with so many news sources available , it is inevitable that we get mix up on what is the truth or what is not . And , with so much coverage that it has attain ed it had also influenced many feminist groups that h! ad support or abandoned both Lewinsky and ClintonThis whole charade of frenzy is not about how much of an effect or what kind of effect media has on politics but moreover , the effects of politics on the media . ADDIN EN .CITE Stoutenborough20072 02043Kellee J Kirckpatrick and James W StoutenboroughTurn of Events : macrocosm sureness in the Media2007June 7 2007http /www .publi copinionpros .com /up_coming /2007 /apr /kirkpatrick_printable .asp (Stoutenborough , 2007 ReferencesADDIN EN .REFLIST AllPolitics .com (1998 . Most people think there is too much , consider media irresponsible [Electronic Version] . Poll : Too Much Lewinsky Coverage . Retrieved june 3 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .cnn .com /ALLPOLITICS /1998 /01 /29 /poll http /www .cnn .com /ALLPOLITICS /1998 /01 /29 /pollanswers .com (2007 . political scandals of the United States [Electronic Version] . political scandals of the United States . Retrieved June 4 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .answers .com /political -scandals-of-the-united-states http /www .answers .com /political-scandals-of-the-united-statesArithmetik ,(January 2007 . Hillary Clinton , Favorable /Unfavorable 1993-2007 [Electronic Version] . Retrieved JUne 6 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /politicalarithmetik .blogspot .com /search /label /Hillary 20Clinton http /politicalarithmetik .blogspot .com /search /label /Hillary 20Clinton brCenter , T .. R (1998 . Other Important Findings [Electronic Version] Retrieved June 6 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /people-press .org /reports /display .php3 ?PageID 380 http /people-press .org /reports /display .php3 ?PageID 380Company , T . W .(1998 . Key Player : Monica Lewinsky [Electronic Version] . Retrieved June 7 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .washingtonpost .com /wp-srv /politics /special /clinton /players /l ewinsky .htm http /www .washingtonpost .com /wp-srv /politics /special /clinton /players /le winsky .htmDudley , W (2007 Introduction Opposing Viewpoints : Political Scandals . [Electro nic Version] . Retrieved June 4 , 2007 from HYPERLINK! http /soc .enotes .com /political-scandals-article http /soc .enotes .com /political-scandals-articleEncyclopedia , T . C . E (2007 . Lewinsky scandal [Electronic Version] Retrieved June 4 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .factmonster .com /ce6 /history /A0829594 .html http /www .factmonster .com /ce6 /history /A0829594 .htmleric (May 2007 . The Clintons and the Feminist Sell-outs [Electronic Version] . Grave Error . Retrieved June 6 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .graveerror .net /2007 /05 /23 /the-clintons-and-the-feminist-sell -outs http /www .graveerror .net /2007 /05 /23 /the-clintons-and-the-feminist-sell- outsGrey , B (August 1998 . A noteworthy paper bag in media coverage of Starr investigation [Electronic Version] . Retrieved June 7 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .wsws .org /news /1998 /aug1998 /star-a13 .shtml http /www .wsws .org /news /1998 /aug1998 /star-a13 .shtmlJournalist , C . o . t . C (March 1998 . A Second Look [Electronic Version] . The Clinton Crisis and the Press . Retrieved June 7 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .journalism .org /node /292 http /www .journalism .org /node /292Lange ,. G (2007 . Patricia G . Lange The Vulnerable Video Blogger Promoting Social Change through Intimacy [Electronic Version] . Blogging Feminism (Web )sites of Resistance Retrieved June 6 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .barnard .edu /sfonline /blogs /lange_05 .htm http /www .barnard .edu /sfonline /blogs /lange_05 .htmLinder , D (2005 . Sex The Starr Report : Was the Report More Explicit than Necessary to make Prosecutorial Goals ? [Electronic Version] . The Impeachment Trial ofPresident William Clinton1999 Retrieved June 4 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .law .umkc .edu /faculty /projects /ftrials /clinton /starrreport .ht ml http /www .law .umkc .edu /faculty /projects /ftrials /clinton /starrreport .htm lMajority , F (1998 . Statement of Eleanor Smeal , President of Feminist Majority on the Pending Presidential Impeachment Vote[Electronic Version] . Re trieved June 6 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .commo! ndreams ..org /pressreleases /Dec98 /121598b .htm http /www .commondreams .org /pressreleases /Dec98 /121598b .htmO Beirne , K (October 12 , 1998 . Village idiot - Monica Lewinsky affair exposes contradictions between public and private life of Hillary Rodham Clinton - The Clinton Meltdown - [Electronic Version] . National Review Retrieved June 6 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /findarticles .com /p /articles /mi_m1282 /is_n19_v50 /ai_ http /findarticles .com /p /articles /mi_m1282 /is_n19_v50 /ai_Pooley , E (Sept . 21 , 1998 . High Crimes ? Or Just A Sex Cover-Up [Electronic Version] . Retrieved June 6 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .time .com /time /magazine /article /0 ,9171 ,989114-1 ,00 .html http /www .time .com /time /magazine /article /0 ,9171 ,989114-1 ,00 .htmlStoutenborough , K . J . K . a . J . W (2007 . Turn of Events : human beings Confidence in the Media [Electronic Version] . Retrieved June 7 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .publicopinionpros .com /up_coming /2007 /apr /kirkpatrick_printab le .asp http /www .publicopinionpros .com /up_coming /2007 /apr /kirkpatrick_printabl e .aspWeltner , F (February , 1998 . THE TRUTH AT LAST [Electronic Version] MONICA LEWINSKY--RUSSIAN JEWISH DESCENT . Retrieved June 4 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .jewwatch .com /jew-leaders-lewinsky .html http /www .jewwatch .com /jew-leaders-lewinsky .htmlWho2 .com (2007 . Monica Lewinsky [Electronic Version] . Retrieved June 4 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .who2 .com /monicalewinsky .html http /www .who2 .com /monicalewinsky .htmlWilmouth , B (July 2006 . Olbermann Denies Liberal Bias , Insists in Politics He s Neutral and Correct [Electronic Version] . Retrieved June 7 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /newsbusters .org /node /6637 http /newsbusters .org /node /6637York , B (October 2005 . A Cover-up Without a Crime ? [Electronic Version] . Retrieved JUne 5 , 2007 from HYPERLINK http /www .nationalreview .com /york /york7 .asp http /www .nationalreview .com /york /york7 .a sp PAGEPage PAGE 10Media analysis of a political sex s! candal ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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