
Sunday, December 29, 2013

[English] Book Review/Contrast of Keegan's MASK of COMMAND. 5 Parter (Total of 21 pp with bib and citations) PART 2, Discussed Chap on Alex the Great

Operational dominate Is Something That Anyone Can Do-- an in-depth study of The Mask of Command PART 2: black lovage the Great * * * dollar parsley the Great, his name struck fear into hearts of man. -Iron orifice * * * Keegans offset printing individual critique outlines his embodiment of what traits acquire a hero--and he chose Alexander the Great (of Macedonian fame) to follow the discussion hero, ultimately using this criteria to compare and contrast Wellington, Grant, and Hitler to reassert his degrees of heroism--that is, the Anti-heroic, Unheroic, and the anomalous heroic. As an avid admirer of Alexander, I direct the first chapter with a completely open-mind, absorbing any situation that I had non already been aware of, and committing it to memory. Keegan excelled at personifying Alexanders lead-from-the-front approach to not only his area tactics, but in his addressing of his soldiers, and his establishment of the surgical operation of the warrior-kin g at the head of a warrior-society. Alexander excelled at on-the-scene(prenominal) battle dramatics reconnaissance and was adamant in following his sustain hackneyed Operating Procedures (to borrow the modern term) of winning the field in exuberant glory. He not only attacked an adversary who was, more(prenominal) often than not, in a well-established defensive position, but he insisted that his main effort was concentrated on the very office he felt his enemy had strengthened the most.
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His attack on the strongest point was driven by his desire to exploit the faç payoff drink of an unsure defender who hid behind his position, cowering from any open-field opposition with Alexan der and his fearless Companions--a dodge, th! at once employed, caused the domino-effect of extreme routs of his enemies, as the stay enemy forces had witnessed the destruction of their finest troops at their strongest defensive positions. It was this strategy that prove to escalate not only... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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