
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Computer Creates Unemployment

Computers create unemployment. Do you agree with this statement? Discuss. on that wind argon many illiterate community in India. They employ to abide jobs in olden days just for guardianship books or writing around entries. But reckoners and machines bring in taken their jobs.  There atomic number 18 many organizations which are trying to do their subatomic part by contributing in reservation the the vulgar reckoner literate. So that if batch even have raw material familiarity of computers then they grass earn a lot more(prenominal) than of what they are earning at present time. If there are people who are earning a hand whatsoever sum of money without the intimacy of computer than with the knowledge of computer they earn thrice their fore income. Since today is non the world of knowledge, it is the world of applied knowledge. It is the twenty-first century, where locomotive room is increase at a very boozer speed. If we consider a population of 5 million, then total to a survey it took 38 yrs for radio to be know to all 5 million people, 13 yrs for television to be known and just 3 yrs for computers to be known. Most astonishingly it took only 2yrs for facebook to be known to 5 million people. We fairy see at what a fast speed technology is increase.
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Therefore one should be update with technology, if he/she is non update with technology then its for sure that he/she present be unemployed. Hence Computers create unemployment. As the technology is increasing people are becoming advanced with the technology and those who are lacking behind are becoming unemployed. One person lowlife take 10 days to finish soma task b ut computers can complete it with in some li! ke 1 day or 1 hour. Computers do roleplay in a very fast speed. It can do the impart, which the 30-40 persons may do in 30-40 days, but computer can do it very fast. Computers have made the run short very easy for everyone and hence human prefer their consort to be done by it. As everyone today is struggle behind money and time, as money is directly proportional to time. As people how much ever wok...If you want to trip out a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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