
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Are Dreams Really A Mystery

are Dreams in reality A Mystery Are Dreams Really a Mystery In the middle of the night, I was fetching a walk through the woods. I could notice owls hooting and animals diffusion under leaves. From the vague sound of water trickling everyplace rocks, I knew my destination was coming soon. As I was walking, the name of my plunk got wedged between a stump and a rock. I started to sway and my heart stopped. Slowly I could facial expression my body crash towards the ground. Not k nowing when I would fall, where I would land, what I would fall on or what might fall on me, made my heart start racing. My body move and I opened my eyes.
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I looked around and no ticed I was duplicity in my bed underneath my warm blanket. I had but had a dream but I am now safe in my bed. My heart settled down, with a breathe of relief, and so I laid back down. more or less everyone has had a similar dream as mine, feeling as if you were falling, then awoke. Dreams are caused by your sleeping habits and events that occur throughout ...If you desire to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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