
Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Relationship Between Caesar and Calpurnia and Brutus and Portia

In William Shakespeares play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, the wives of Caesar and Brutus in Act II, scenes i and ii, both had a different relationships with their economizes. Both couples loved all(prenominal) other(a), however, they reacted and influenced to each other differently.         In Act II, scene i, Portia, Brutus married woman, was a lively moreover tough woman with a take care of a man. When Portia notice that something was bothering Brutus, she was determined to find out and, to do this, she had to prove him that she was inviolable enough to keep a privy(p) by boastful herself a voluntary wound in the thigh without strident out. Portia cared about Brutus and he was amazed by his brave married woman and claimed that he didnt deserve such a wife. Portias take of gallantry influenced Brutus to change his mind and specialise his wife his secret that was bothering him. nevertheless though Portias scheme worked, Brutus was cut off-key by Caius before he could finish telling the secret.         In Act II, scene ii, Calpurnia, wife of Caesar, was a superstitious woman. ace day, Calpurnia woke up from a noxious dream in which her husband was murdered and thought it as a bad sign so she begged Caesar to bind sept preferably of going to the Senate House.
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Calpurnia told Caesar to tell the members that she was scared and wanted him to bewilder or to tell them Caesar was sick. Caesar had a weak side and Calpurnias hysterics influenced him to stay at home instead of going to the House. Calpurinas plan worked, however, the plan was interrupted, just like Portias, when Decius rundle up and cleverly interrupte d Calpurinas bad dream as a good point and ! flattered Caesar to come to the Senate House.         Portia and Calpurnia tried to win over their husbands... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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