
Thursday, November 28, 2013


I.         INTRODUCTION Great managers entirely exhibit and exercise vertebral column strategies and plans which facilitate a productive organization. In any industry, a manager must be consistent with these strategies and plans and use them efficiently. The circumspection a manager gives to an employee can make or finish up a managers success. If a manager lacks skills in planning, leading, organizing, or controlling, he will not have the type of success that spectacular managers have. The managers attitude towards employees, choice of structure, and analysis of the company are unsocial genuinely essential to running a successful business. I believe that a Flat Structure thats emphasized by a Theory Y manager who practices detailed origin (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis will have the type of success mentioned before. II. straightway ORGANIZATION (First Principle) As an organization grows to be genuinely large, a frequent pr oblem occurs. Initi bothy, most of these organizations have a improb adequate structure. This tall structure includes many levels of authority. Tall organizations are very inflexible, slow to change to match the organizational environment, and at chance to distortion of orders and commands. A immediately organization takes care of all of this. Flat organizations have fewer levels of authority. The main principle of a unwavering organization is minimizing the chain of command. Decentralization of authority is also essential to a flat organization.
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As a public opinion poll manager minimizes the chain of command, he must give core managers and first line managers much respo nsibilities. Flat organizations are to a gr! eater extent productive, efficient, and effective. IMPORTANCE. Managers can increase their productivity in a flat organization. They are faced with many more responsibilities due to the mandate that is involved with flat organizations. This leads to managers working harder to prove that they are qualified to perform more tasks. Top managers have more incorporate trust that their orders will be followed without... If you want to get a wax essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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