
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

History-Rigvedic Period

Rigvedic Period - l500-l000B.C Later Vedic Period - 1000-600B.C VEDIC flow rate (IMPORTANT TERMS) * Akratuh heap who had no faith in rituals. * Anas population who didnt have prominent nose * Apah Water * brahman Rituals * Dam - House * Dunitri daughter * Gana - tribal militia * Gavisti war * Godhara guest * Godhulievening * Gomat a wealthy person * Gopa (Janasya) the prescript * Gorasa-milk * Gosthi meeting * Gotra- Cow pen * Gvayuti measurement of distance * Mridhvaka who were not accomplished in Vedic language * Panch Char Sanyah cardinal wandering tribes. * Pani mess having cattle wealth (traders) * Parjanya cloud * Purodasa Materials utilise in Yajana * Rayi Cattle wealth * Sadam - House * Sala House * Sardha tribal militia * SisandevaWroshippers of phallus symbol. * Vayadh Costumes of a bride. * Vesmin House * Vrata people who hadnot a well realized marriage system or who had incestuous relation.
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* Vrata - Tribal militia Vedic Geography: Adhavaryn| Yajurveda| Anandaka| Sadania| Brahma| Atharva Veda| Champaran| Champararanya| Chenab| Askini| Delhi| Indraprastha| Deobanda| Dritvan| Ghaghar| Drisdvasti| Hakra| Sarswati| Haryn| Saryn| Himalaya| Himvanta| Hota| Rigveda| Indus| Sindhu| Jhelum| Vilasta| capital of Afghanistan| Kubha| Magadha| Kikatvan| Mithila| Videh| Ravi,| Parusani| Ritual Priests| Vedas| Saran| Nairnisheranya| Sutlej| Satudri| Udgata| Sarnveda| Vyas| Vipasa| Vedas and their branches: Vedas| Branches| Rigveda| Sakal, Vas kal, Asavala, Yan, Sakhayan and mandukeya! | Samveda| Kauthum and Ranayaniaya| Yajurveda| Madhyandin and Kanva| Athar Veda| Paiplad and Saunak| Rigveda: Mandalas Poets/Drasta 1. Mandla - Gritsamada 2. Mandla Viswamiitra (Mandalas from, II to VII are called Family Text.)...If you expect to get a total essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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