
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ski Trip

Ski Trip I was the first person to go off of the chairlift that day; arriving at the summit of the Blackcomb Mountain, nuzzle in the heart of Whistler, Canada. It was the type of day when the clouds seemed to blanket the sky, go forth no clue that the sun, with its powerful light, even existed anymore. It was not snowing, just now judging by the moist, musty, stale tone in the air, I realized it would be only a short judgment of conviction before the white flakes all overtook the mountain. As I prepared myself to shake off the first run, I took a moment to appreciate my surroundings. somehow things seemed much dissimilar up here.
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The wind, non existent at the bottom, began to gust. Its moth-eaten bite demonstrate my nose and froze my toes. Its quick and sudden swirling social movement kicked utter snow into my face, forcing me to zip my jacket over my chin. It is exotic how the gray clouds, which seemed so far above me at the bottom, very did not appear that high anymore. As I gazed discover over the landscape, th...If you want to get a full essay, bless it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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