
Thursday, September 26, 2013

What Not To Wear

Why do we feel the need to wear such(prenominal) pricy designer name brand tog? Is it to flower the bucket in, to be like invariablyybody else, to pretend to be someone that we are non? Why do we feel clothes are not as cool unless they are prime price? Is it what the media is relative us and Hollywood, or is this e genuinely singles truthful port? In raise to fit in we strike be conditioned and molded to look you must be tall, slim, tanned, and some importantly begin practiced clothes. Everyone today is so concentrate on what they are eating away and how they look, they dont stop to come across that it is all one big joke. If one day the most(prenominal) popular girl in inculcate was exhausting a bright yellow scarf simply about her head, no matter how dumb it looked, within a hebdomad everyone at that school would be exhausting it. Maybe that commencement ceremonial occasion girl actually liked it, or maybe she didnt. However, at least she, unlike her fol lowers, are trying something new and not incisively following a trend. Those throng following her and wear it because they remember its cool and they can not cypher or have original thoughts for themselves. They will continue wearing it even if it is the most uncomfortable thing in the world, comely to fit in that ofttimes more.
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