
Friday, September 27, 2013

Froissart: Reporter of the Middle Ages

Froissart: Reporter of the Middle AgesThe Chronicles written by Jean Froissart is a first hand account of life and society in the middle ages. In The Chronicles, Froissart documents many historical hithertots from approximately 1322-1400. deuce events enshrouded in The Chronicles are the causes of the Hundred age state of war and the Jacquerie Revolt. Many historians agree that Froissart?s reporting of the Hundred eld War is accurate, but that his reporting of the Jacquerie Revolt is non because it does non apostrophize all of the issues, such as the brutality of the magnanimousness against the peasants. Froissart was not able to report impartially about both events collect to the ingrained social bias that resulted from his upbringing and status, and from his sources of information, or so of which were unreliable and biased. Jean Froissart had a social bias in favor of the nobility due to his background. He was born about 1337 and, although his family was not noble , it was believed that Froissart?s family had ties to the court of the Count of Hainault (Wages 169-170). Froissart received a clerical education and then entered the service of Margaret of Hainault sometime amongst 1350-1356 (Frail 760-765). after her death he went on to serve as writing table to the daughter of the Count of Hainault, Queen Philippa.
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This is important because it shows that even though Froissart was not an actual member of the nobility he was raised(a) in and around it, and most likely colligate more(prenominal) with the nobles than the peasants. An example of his bias against the peasants is that Froissart refers to the peasants in the Chronicles as ? microscopical peo ple,? (Froissart 216, 222) reflecting his j! udgment of their low value. This bias affected Froissart?s force to report impartially on events between the nobility and peasants, specially when relying... If you pauperism to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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