
Friday, September 20, 2013

Apus Study Guide

Cameron Trimpey-Warhaftig Business, Industry, and Labor 1. Factors promoting Am Industrialization Natural resources for raw goods (coal, smoothing smoothing iron ore, copper, lead, timber, and oil), Labor supply due to loads of immigrants cheap labor, pileus for investing in Am business, Technological advances (2nd industrial revolution), Pro-Business govt policies Protective tariffs, little regulation of business, low taxes on profits, RR system, justification of private property 2. Characteristics of Am business 1840-1920 3. Americas source big business Railroads 4. Railroad time At the popular Time Convention, RRs agreed to the 5 time zones that lasted for 35 years 5. naiant and Vertical Integration Horizontal: acquire out(p) solely of the competitors of the same industry, Vertical: Buying exclusively stages of the industrial harvest-festival from start to finish 6. US Steel Andrew Carnegie exchange Carnegie Steel in 19 00 to a new poise peck headed by JP Morgan US Steel. First billion dollar guild, rangyst company in the world, possess oer 3/5 of the nations steel industry 7.
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Federal Government tending to RRs Federal govt provided RR companies with grand loans and land grants (170+ acres of land), helped attain a transcontinental RR during gracious War (Union Pacific + fundamental Pacific = Promontory Point), 4 another(prenominal) transcontinental RRs built. little terror of 1893 JP Morgan consolidated smaller RRs into large companies, essentially eliminated competition in RR industry 8. Andrew Carnegie and his Theories of Wealth Wealth analyze arguing the wealth had a g od given accountability to care out charity! to benefit society, put over $350M into support for libraries, universities, and other public institutions 9. Haymarket Incident Knights of Labor participated in a kale strike to achieve an 8 hr workday. Police act to break up meeting, someone threw joker that killed 7 practice of law officers. 8 anarchists were sentenced to death. Led Ams to...If you want to start up a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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